Our Unattended Tranquil Seas Memorial Service / Unwitnessed Scattering of Ashes Service is a memorable, thoughtful way to say goodbye to loved ones and pets.
Since 1998, our team has been the trusted source for Tranquil Seas Scattering of Ashes services. Our service is designed for clients who want the very best to commemorate someone special. Our expert and certified crew ensure that all of our services are carried out with the reverence, professionalism and special touches that have built our trusted reputation.
A reading of passage by the Captain
Scattering of ashes out to sea
Scattering of flowers/petals out to sea
Ship’s bell sounds eight times signifying the end of one watch and the beginning of another
A circle of tribute is performed as the yacht departs
A certificate of remembrance is given to the family
Available for both human and pet cremated remains
Experience a meaningful and serene Tranquil Seas Scattering of Ashes ceremony on the Paradiso Yacht. Contact us today to discuss how we can create a beautiful tribute to your loved one's memory.
640 Lido Park Dr. Newport Beach, CA. 92663